Sex in teenagers

Just some facts

750,000 teen pregnancies in the US per year

82% of those pregnancies are unplanned

Youth ages 15 to 24 account for 25% of all new HIV infections in the US and are nearly 50% of the 19 million new STD infections each year.

Significant relationships

This process is tremendously flattering, as I prepare young people to create meaningful relationships. Usually the classes they receive in schools are about the anatomy of the genital area, how to prevent pregnancy and the mechanics of sex. Nor do they receive enough information at home.

Parents with the best intentions, in many cases are not prepared to have full conversations. Young people for different reasons do not always want to hear from the “elders” because they learned everything from their friends or the internet.

Teaching relationships

Do to the fact that many young people have the model of pornography, that is counterproductive in sex youth education.

What is missing is teaching them to relate, to create a bond with the person they will make love to. Eliminate the mechanics would be of great importance to improve the bond and enjoy more.

This will create positive awareness towards a healthy relationship, the couple will be able to understand their needs and desires better which in consequence would bring them more enjoyment and contribute to a happy sexual relationship in the long term.

I offer a unique space for young people to learn here, they will have unlimited opportunities to understand their emotions and ask without limits to clarify all their doubts and give rise to emotions and create valuable relationships.

The teachings and information shared here are the same ones I use in my trainings with the general public or with other professionals. They can help you deepen a relationship with your partner and yourself, improve yourself, release unwanted energy, attract new relationships, reach new intimate heights.

All of these resources are also useful for young people and parents of broken families to develop and maintain healthy relationships.